Detection of vascular diseases in Berlin: Your vascular check-up

Vascular diseases often go unnoticed until serious complications such as a stroke or heart attack occur. With a preventive vascular check-up in Berlin, we can detect such risks at an early stage and treat them in a targeted manner. People with high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol levels or smokers are particularly at risk. However, younger people can also be affected by unhealthy lifestyle habits. Our comprehensive range of services includes major and minor vascular check-ups as well as specialized examinations for patients with varicose veins. We check the permeability, elasticity and wall thickness of your blood vessels so that preventive measures can be introduced at an early stage. Prevention is better than cure - a vascular check-up makes a decisive contribution to your health. Find out more about our services and make an appointment for a detailed medical history and individual consultation.


Medically tested by:

Dr. Hamidreza Mahoozi, FEBTS, FCCP

First publication:

July 19, 2024


January 30, 2025

Vascular check-up

Vascular diseases often go unnoticed until a stroke or heart attack occurs. However, this can be avoided through early detection and appropriate treatment. We therefore advise certain risk groups to have an effective vascular check-up in Berlin. Calcium and fat deposits on the vascular walls are not necessarily a sign of old age. Younger people can also be affected by unfavorable lifestyle and dietary habits.

Sklerotherapie Berlin, Krampfader Entfernung, Schaumsklerotherapie, Venenbehandlung, kosmetische Phlebologie

Risk factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes, an elevated cholesterol level or smoking are particularly conducive to the development of vascular disease. If there is a corresponding risk or a hereditary predisposition, countermeasures must be taken in good time. During a thorough vascular check, we therefore check the permeability, elasticity and wall thickness of your blood vessels. Based on the results, we can initiate treatment if necessary.

Vascular check-up as a preventive service

This old saying also applies here, because a vascular check-up can make a significant contribution to maintaining your health. We differentiate between these variants in diagnostics:

Large vessel check-up

Vascular check-up as a preventive service

We do not limit ourselves to a specific region of the body, but examine your venous and arterial vessels in all areas (neck, abdomen, legs, pelvic region). After a medical history and a comprehensive diagnosis using color duplex sonography, a detailed consultation and a detailed report to your family doctor follow. The second, detailed variant is considered an individual health service (IGeL) and therefore a private medical examination. It is not usually covered by statutory health insurance.

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Small vessel check-up

Vascular check-up as a preventive service

After taking a detailed medical history, we use ultrasound (color duplex sonography) to examine the blood vessels in a specific region of the body. Depending on the indication, we concentrate on the neck, abdomen, legs or pelvic region. You will then receive a detailed consultation and, of course, a medical report for your family doctor.


Vein check-up for patients with varicose veins

Vascular check-up as a preventive service

Varicose veins are a degenerative disease of the vein wall in the leg veins that predominantly affects women. Their development is favored by risk factors such as pregnancy, obesity, but also lack of exercise or hereditary predisposition.

Varicose veins are a degenerative disease of the vein wall in the leg veins that predominantly affects women. Their development is favored by risk factors such as pregnancy, obesity, but also lack of exercise or hereditary predisposition. Those affected often complain of hot, heavy or painful legs and suffer a significant loss in quality of life. Possible complications include oedema, skin changes, bleeding and dangerous thromboses.

If you suffer from varicose veins, there is a whole range of treatment options available to you. The prerequisite for this is a thorough diagnosis. The vascular check-up essentially consists of three steps:

01. anamnesis

The main questions asked here are about previous illnesses, current complaints and family history (varicose veins, thromboses and other illnesses).

02. physical examination

Visible varicose veins, oedema, eczema, ulcerations and subcutaneous palpable hardening are already clear indications of chronic venous insufficiency for the specialist.

03. duplex sonography

The vein structure is precisely visualized using ultrasound. The doctor obtains information about the diameter and permeability of the vessels as well as the functionality of the venous valves. Based on the results of the examination, we can provide you with suitable treatment suggestions.