FAQ – Varicose veins and VenaSeal

Find out everything you need to know about varicose veins and the VenaSeal method. Find answers to frequently asked questions about causes, treatment options and aftercare. Receive valuable information about the minimally invasive VenaSeal treatment and its benefits.

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Medically tested by:

Dr. Hamidreza Mahoozi, FEBTS, FCCP

First publication:

July 20, 2024


January 30, 2025


FAQ varicose veins

Here are some frequently asked questions about varicose veins:

Why do spider veins and varicose veins develop?

Venous disorders always develop on the basis of an inherited venous insufficiency; rarely directly after a venous thrombosis.
External, triggering factors are usually added: lack of exercise, overweight, prolonged standing, prolonged sitting, smoking…

How are these vein problems treated?

Spider veins and varicose veins can be removed in two ways. They can either be “obliterated” by injecting special medication using a syringe and various injection techniques or by laser treatment.

What needs to be considered before treatment?

Before any vein treatment, a painless examination of the flow conditions and the condition of the venous valves is necessary.

Do varicose veins occur again and again?

Tissue ages and the venous valves become less and less effective with increasing age. This means that the recurrence of varicose veins after treatment cannot be ruled out.

Do varicose veins get stronger after an operation?

After a conscientious operation on the affected veins and thorough elimination of all causes, there is no reason for this.

How long do compression stockings have to be worn after an operation?

VenaSeal Treatment: None
Radiofrequency treatment: approx. 1 week

How long can you not work after a vein operation?

This depends entirely on the method used. As a rule, you will be on sick leave for 2-3 weeks.

How long can I not do sports after vein surgery?

Stripping patients can usually only return to sport after 4 – 6 weeks.

Can brown or white spots appear after laser treatment of spider veins?

This is not entirely out of the question. The very gentle and currently state-of-the-art laser system we use probably produces very few brown or even white spots, but it is still conceivable in individual cases.

Where does the blood flow to after the veins have been removed?

The veins removed or eliminated during the treatment are unfortunately defective and therefore no longer contributed to venous return flow before the treatment.Their removal therefore does not worsen the venous circulation: on the contrary, their removal redirects the blood flow to other, healthy vessels that function normally.
This improves the venous return flow and reduces congestion.

Are there any side effects?

Light sporting activity is possible. In rare cases, there may be slight pain in the treated area – this disappears after a few days. In very rare cases, superficial inflammation of the treated area may occur. This subsides quickly with cooling, rest and heparin dressings. Just as rarely, a darkening of the skin may remain in the treated area along the formerly defective veins.

Are varicose veins dangerous?

In these abnormally dilated veins, the blood sinks into the periphery and leads to the accumulation of waste products, acids and oxygen deficiency due to the lack of exchange of used blood with fresh blood. This can lead to malnutrition of the skin and subcutis and thus to an open leg (“ulcus” or “leg ulcer”). In addition, clots can form, so-called “thrombi”.

If a vessel is blocked by such a clot, this is known as a thrombosis.

If it is torn loose and then reaches the lungs via the bloodstream (on its natural path), it leads to the blockage of pulmonary vessels: a process known as a pulmonary embolism, which is a very serious complication.

The superficial veins that are blocked by a thrombus can also become inflamed and ulcerated: Pus pathogens can then enter the bloodstream and trigger severe clinical pictures of “blood poisoning”.

Sklerotherapie Berlin, Krampfader Entfernung, Schaumsklerotherapie, Venenbehandlung, kosmetische Phlebologie


FAQ VenaSeal


Here are some frequently asked questions about Venaseal:

How is Venaseal applied?

During a Venaseal procedure, the doctor makes a small incision in the skin near the affected vein. A special adhesive called cyanoacrylate is then injected into the vein through a catheter. The adhesive seals the vein, preventing the blood from flowing through it.

Is Venaseal painful?

Venaseal is usually a minimally invasive procedure that is performed under local anesthesia. This means that the area around the affected vein is numb, so the procedure should not be painful. Some patients may feel slight discomfort or pressure during the procedure, but this should be tolerable.

How long does the Venaseal procedure take?

The Venaseal procedure usually takes 30 to 60 minutes.

How long is the recovery time after Venaseal?

The recovery time after Venaseal is generally shorter than after other procedures used to treat varicose veins, such as stripping or laser treatments. Most people can resume their normal activities after one day.

What is the success rate of Venaseal for the treatment of varicose veins?

The success rate of Venaseal for the treatment of varicose veins is generally very good. In a randomized prospective study from the USA (VeClose-published 2018 by K. Gibson), it was reported that 96% of patients treated with Venaseal did not experience a regression of varicose veins within two years of treatment.

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