Why VenaSeal™ is a leading treatment method in vein treatment – results from randomized multi-center studies


At the VenaZiel Vein Competence Center Berlin, we rely on state-of-the-art technologies to offer our patients the best treatment results. One of the most innovative and effective methods we offer is the VenaSeal™ system, which has proven its outstanding safety and effectiveness in numerous clinical studies in recent years. Based on the results of randomized multi-center studies, we would like to present the advantages of this treatment method to you in a detailed and easy-to-understand manner.

1. outstanding closure rates: immediate and long-term effectiveness

The closure rate is a key indicator of the effectiveness of a treatment method for varicose veins. The data shows that VenaSeal™ is the leader in this area:

  • One year after treatment, VenaSeal™ has a closure rate of 96.8% – a value that is not only comparable to radiofrequency ablation (RFA; where heat is generated by radio waves to close the vein, 96.3%), but also significantly outperforms other procedures such as ClariVein™ (a minimally invasive method using a catheter, 92%) and endovenous laser therapy (EVLA; where the vein is closed using laser energy, 92.3%).
  • The results also remain stable in the long term:
    • After 2 years: 95.3 % (VenaSeal™) compared to 94.5 % (radiofrequency ablation).
    • After 3 years: 94.4 % (VenaSeal™) compared to 91.6 % (radiofrequency ablation).
    • After 5 years: VenaSeal™ maintains its top position with a closure rate of 94.6 %.

These results show that VenaSeal™ offers an extremely reliable and effective solution not only in the short term, but also in the long term.

venaseal treatment2. excellent safety record: no risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

A particularly important advantage of the VenaSeal™ system is the extremely low complication rate. Compared to other procedures, the risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT, i.e. a dangerous blood clot in a deep vein) is virtually non-existent with VenaSeal™:

  • The studies show a DVT rate of 0% for VenaSeal™.
  • Other procedures have a significantly higher risk here:
    • Endovenous laser therapy (EVLA): 2.4 %
    • Varithena™ (a method in which a special foam is used to close the vein): 8.6%

This outstanding safety record makes VenaSeal™ particularly suitable for patients with an increased risk of thrombosis or comorbidities that could complicate other treatments.


3. minimal stress for patients: gentle and effective

In contrast to thermal procedures such as radiofrequency ablation or endovenous laser therapy, the VenaSeal™ system is based on an innovative adhesive technology. This method has numerous advantages:

  • No application of heat: Since VenaSeal™ does not use thermal energy, there is no risk of burns or nerve damage that can occur with heat procedures.
  • No tumescent anesthesia required: Unlike radiofrequency or laser treatment, VenaSeal™ does not require anesthesia of the entire vein by injecting an anesthetic fluid (tumescent anesthesia). Only the injection site is anesthetized, which makes the procedure much easier and more comfortable.
  • Quick return to everyday life: patients can resume their normal activities immediately after treatment. A longer recovery period or the wearing of compression stockings is not necessary.


4. sustainable results and esthetic benefits

In addition to the high closure rate, VenaSeal™ also offers aesthetic benefits:

  • As no thermal injuries occur and only a small skin access is required, the skin remains intact. This is particularly important for patients who value an aesthetically pleasing result.
  • The method not only relieves symptoms such as pain and swelling, but also leads to a visible improvement in the appearance of varicose veins.


5. scientifically sound and recognized worldwide

The effectiveness and safety of VenaSeal™ have been investigated in various randomized multi-center studies with more than 50 patients per treatment method. These studies provide a solid scientific basis and show that VenaSeal™ is not only an alternative, but in many respects the preferred choice for the treatment of varicose veins.

Summary: VenaSeal™ – The future of vein therapy

The VenaSeal™ system is one of the most advanced methods for treating venous disorders. The combination of high closure rates, an excellent safety record and patient-friendly application makes it an ideal choice – both for patients looking for an effective treatment and for doctors who value the latest therapeutic procedures.

At the VenaZiel Vein Competence Center Berlin, we are proud to offer this innovative method. Our specialist doctors will accompany you on the path to healthy veins and will be happy to advise you individually on the best treatment option for your needs.

Contact us today to learn more about VenaSeal™ and other advanced treatment methods. We look forward to supporting you on your journey to a healthy and pain-free life!