
Lipedema is a chronic fat distribution disorder that is often misunderstood and difficult to diagnose. Many sufferers struggle not only with physical complaints, but also with emotional and psychological stress. At VenaZiel, we understand your challenges and are here to help you. Our specialized treatment methods aim to improve your quality of life and enable you to lead an active and pain-free life again. With a personalized and holistic approach that combines state-of-the-art medical technologies and compassionate care, we will guide you on your path to symptom relief. Let's take the first step towards a new attitude towards life together. Discover how our expertise and commitment can help you take back control of your life and sustainably improve your well-being.

plus size women seeking treatment in berlin for lipodem

Medically tested by:

Dr. Hamidreza Mahoozi, FEBTS, FCCP

First publication:

December 2, 2023


January 30, 2025

Basics of lipedema

Lipoedema is a chronic fat distribution disorder that mainly affects women and is characterized by a symmetrical accumulation of fat on the legs and arms.
This condition is often associated with pain and swelling and can have a significant impact on the quality of life of those affected.

In this guide, we would like to provide you with a detailed explanation, definition, classification and the various treatment options for lipoedema.
It also explains preventative measures and the special role of lymphologists in our clinic.

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Definition of lipedema

Lipoedema is a disease of the fatty tissue characterized by a disproportionate increase in fatty tissue, which occurs symmetrically on the legs and less frequently on the arms.
The skin may change and pain and increased sensitivity to touch may occur.
Lipoedema typically occurs during hormonal changes such as puberty, pregnancy or the menopause.

Causes and risk factors of lipoedema

The exact causes of lipoedema are not yet fully understood.
It is assumed that genetic and hormonal factors play a significant role.
There is often a familial clustering and the condition almost exclusively affects women.
Hormones appear to play a significant role, as the symptoms often begin or worsen during times of hormonal changes.

Symptoms and diagnosis of lipoedema

The main symptoms of lipoedema are

  • Disproportionate fat distribution on legs and arms
  • Pain and tenderness in the affected areas
  • Tendency to bruise
  • Swelling that increases during the course of the day


The diagnosis is usually made clinically, based on the medical history and physical examination.
Further diagnostic procedures may include ultrasound examinations and lymphoscintigraphy to rule out other diseases.

diversity women legs and different body and skin lipofrm treatment

Classification of lipedema

Lipoedema is divided into different stages and types to describe the severity and distribution of the fat deposits:

  • Stage I: The skin surface is smooth, the subcutaneous fatty tissue is soft and evenly thickened.
  • Stage II: The skin surface is uneven, lumps and dimples form in the fatty tissue.
  • Stage III: The fatty tissue hardens further and massive fat flaps appear, the skin is very uneven.
  • Stage IV: Combined forms with lymphoedema, also known as lipolymphoedema.


The classification is also based on the distribution pattern of the excess fatty tissue:

  • Type I: Fat increase in the hip and buttock area
  • Type II: Fat accumulation from the hips to the knees
  • Type III: Fat accumulation from the hips to the ankles
  • Type IV: Arms are also affected
  • Type V: Isolated lipedema of the arms

Lipedema therapies

The treatment of lipoedema requires a multidisciplinary approach that combines various forms of therapy to alleviate the symptoms and improve the patient’s quality of life. The main treatment approaches include:

1. conservative therapy:

  • Complex physical decongestive therapy (CDT): This therapy includes manual lymphatic drainage, compression therapy, skin care and exercise therapy.
    The aim is to improve lymphatic drainage and reduce swelling.
    This method is often used in combination to achieve the best possible results.
  • Compression garments: Wearing compression stockings or pants can help to relieve symptoms and slow down the spread of fatty tissue.
    Modern compression garments are available in various thicknesses and designs and can be customized.
  • Dietary changes: A balanced diet can help to control body weight and reduce inflammation.
    There is evidence that a diet rich in antioxidants and low in pro-inflammatory foods can be helpful.

2. surgical therapy:

  • Liposuction: In advanced stages, liposuction may be necessary to remove the excess fatty tissue.
    There are special techniques such as Vaser liposuction.
    Vaser liposuction is a special form of liposuction that uses state-of-the-art ultrasound technology to remove unwanted fat from the body.
    The term “VASER” stands for “Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance”, which refers to the use of sound waves to remove fat.
    This method is currently the most modern and offers several advantages over traditional liposuction techniques.
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Advantages of Vaser liposuction for lipedema

A key difference of Vaser liposuction lies in its precision and protection of the surrounding tissue.
The ultrasound energy specifically targets fat cells, dissolving them and making them easier to remove, while nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue remain largely intact.
This results in a shorter recovery time and reduced risk of bruising and swelling compared to conventional methods.

Vaser liposuction is also beneficial for skin tightening.
By heating the tissue during the procedure, collagen production is stimulated, resulting in improved skin elasticity and tighter skin.
This is a significant benefit for patients who are concerned about sagging skin after fat removal.
Overall, Vaser liposuction offers an effective, precise and less invasive alternative to traditional liposuction.
It not only allows for targeted fat removal, but also improved skin tightening and faster recovery, making it a popular choice for many patients.

Specialists for lipedema

Diagnosis, treatment planning and aftercare

  • Diagnostics: A precise diagnosis is made using modern diagnostic procedures such as ultrasound examinations and lymphoscintigraphy.
    These techniques make it possible to precisely determine the extent of fat and fluid accumulation and rule out other diseases.
  • Treatment planning: Based on the patient’s individual situation, a customized treatment plan is drawn up that takes into account both conservative and surgical options.
    The latest scientific findings and guidelines are always taken into account.
  • Aftercare: Regular check-ups and adjustments to the therapy are important to ensure the success of the treatment and to maintain the patient’s well-being. Aftercare also includes fitting compression garments and reviewing diet and exercise programs.