Remove spider veins

Welcome to VenaZiel - your vein center in Berlin for the treatment of spider veins Spider veins are small, visible veins under the skin that can not only be aesthetically displeasing, but also indicate venous insufficiency. At VenaZiel, we understand how important healthy and beautiful legs are for your well-being. Our experts at the Vein Center Berlin offer you comprehensive advice and state-of-the-art treatment methods to effectively treat spider veins. We will inform you about the causes, risk factors and prevention options so that you can enjoy beautiful and healthy legs in the long term. Experience how we use advanced technologies and a holistic approach to improve your vein health and gently remove spider veins.

Phlebologie Berlin, Venenspezialist, Krampfadern, Besenreiser, Venenbehandlung

Medically tested by:

Dr. Hamidreza Mahoozi, FEBTS, FCCP

First publication:

June 27, 2024


October 14, 2024

What are spider veins?

Spider veins are tiny, thin veins that vary in color and can be seen just below the surface of the skin. They are purple, blue, pink or red and typically resemble a spider’s web and may feel flat or slightly raised. Similar to varicose veins, spider veins on the face, hands and limbs can be accompanied by pain. At our vein center, we can help you with the treatment of spider veins in Berlin.
Besenreiser Behandlung Berlin, Venenklinik, Phlebologie, Lasertherapie, mikroschaum

How do spider veins develop?

They are so called because they remind us of cobwebs. Sometimes they are described as looking like marble. Location They usually appear in the legs, sometimes also in the chest, face or hands. Causes Spider veins in the legs, hands and face are caused by unhealthy valves in the feeder veins that allow blood to flow backwards instead of upwards, towards the heart. Some of this backed-up blood can lead to non-functioning “dead-end” veins that appear as spider veins under the surface of the skin. Origin Many of us will eventually encounter problems with vein health, which are usually hereditary. If your parents or grandparents had spider veins, you are more likely to develop them too. Pregnancy or a job that requires prolonged standing can exacerbate the condition or increase the risk. We are therefore happy to provide you with information on treatment. There are a number of factors that put people at a higher risk of developing spider veins.
Thrombose treatment, Chronische Veneninsuffizienz Berlin, Bein Schwellung, schwere Beine, Krampfader OP, minimalinvasive Venenbehandlung

Factors for the development of spider veins:

Obesity Extra weight puts additional pressure on the veins. Age Although spider veins do not only occur in older people, the disease progresses over time. This is because venous valves are subject to greater wear and tear over time. This makes blood flow more difficult and can lead to blood pooling. Pregnancy To support a baby during pregnancy, the blood volume almost doubles, leading to dilated veins and possibly spider veins. Genetics The likelihood of developing spider veins increases if other family members suffer from them. Sedentary lifestyle Prolonged sitting or standing restricts blood flow and can lead to blood pooling. Gender Due to the hormonal changes that women often experience during pregnancy and the menopause, spider veins are more common in women.

Spinnwebenvenen Ursachen, Symptome, Diagnose, Venenzentrum,spider veins, besenreisen

Prevent spider veins

Some risk factors for spider veins cannot be avoided. However, you can prevent this with the following tips: Exercise Exercise promotes healthy blood circulation. Even something as simple as walking can improve vein health. A balanced diet A high-fiber diet low in salt, processed foods and sugar can improve vein health. Change position Avoid sitting, standing or sitting for too long. Change position frequently or take a short walk. Raise your legs Raising your legs above your heart supports blood circulation in the veins by relieving pressure and stress. Compression stockingsCompression stockings can support blood flow and reduce pressure in the veins. They are particularly useful for activities that require prolonged standing or sitting.
Venennetz an den Beinen, Venenuntersuchung, Doppler Ultraschall, Phlebologe, besenreisern

Remove spider veins

Some of our patients seek treatment for cosmetic improvement, others want to relieve their pain. The good news is that spider veins and their underlying cause can be treated well at the VenaZiel Vein Center in Berlin. Spider vein treatments are carried out in the practice. Each visit to the practice takes less than an hour. For the treatment of spider veins, the microfoam treatment, in which a trained provider injects a special solution into the vein, closing it. After sealing these veins, the blood is redirected into veins with correctly functioning valves.

Possible complications

Changes in skin color: Brownish spots near the treated area. It can take several months (or even up to a year) for them to fade. Do you have an increased risk of circulatory disorders of the leg vessels, stroke or heart attack? Do you suspect you have varicose veins or have you already been diagnosed with them? With the help of thorough vascular diagnostics, problems can be detected at an early stage and serious secondary diseases can be averted.

Spinnwebenvenen und Krampfadern, Venenleiden, Behandlungsmöglichkeiten,venaziel